Yoga poses and stretches
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Using a yoga block in your practice helps bring the floor up to you, allowing you to focus on correct technique while feeling a sense of stability.
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Have you noticed that, when you’re stressed and your mind is scattered, it’s hard to find your balance?
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This yoga pose extends and strengthens the muscles in the sides of your torso.
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Find a perfect balance of strength and flexibility with this classic yoga exercise called the side angle pose.
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Tight hip flexors can be a problem for people whose workout regimens include running or brisk walking; such repetitive forward motion can cause overuse injuries.
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If you’re familiar with the classic yoga pose called “downward facing dog,” try this variation for more of a challenge.
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Practicing yoga can help restore your physical vitality and emotional balance.
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This exercise takes a classic yoga pose to a new level.
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If you’re new to yoga, here’s a way to modify the classic chair pose.
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This classic yoga pose, downward facing dog, increases the blood supply to the brain and stretches the muscles in the legs, torso and arms.
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Even everyday activities require upper body strength, especially in the biceps (which help bend the arms), the triceps (which straighten the arms) and the deltoids (which lift the arms).
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If you perform regular squats and lunges in your workouts, be sure to include a hip stretch at the end of your routines.
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Much of yoga is about practicing proper alignment and focus, so be precise when performing yoga postures.
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Perform this yoga pose to help your body find a balance between effort and ease.
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Get more out of your workouts, whether at home or at the gym, by practicing moves that challenge you.
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Exercise the muscles in front to correct an imbalance in flexibility.