
Restore physical vitality with yoga’s downward facing dog

Practicing yoga can help restore your physical vitality and emotional balance. The various postures are powerful tools to strengthen and stretch your entire body at any age and fitness level. Here is a simple way to do downward facing dog if your back and legs are tight.

-- Karen Voight

Step 1 Begin on all fours with your feet and knees about hip-width apart. Have your hands about shoulder-width apart with your fingers pointing forward. Tuck your toes under and raise your hips, keeping your heels up. Continue to raise your hips higher as you move your chest and head down toward your thighs. Pause in this position and focus on moving your shoulders away from your ears.

Step 2 Without losing the height of your hips, straighten your legs and lower your heels to the floor. Move more of your weight back into your legs. Relax your head and neck and lift your kneecaps up toward your thighs. Stay in this posture for 20 to 30 seconds, breathing evenly. Bend your knees and lower to the start position.


Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].
