More Hurricane Jeanne coverage
Hurricane Jeanne is the fourth hurricane to hit Florida this year.
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Don’t let storm stress be an excuse to eat junk, an expert says.
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Retired OUC workers heed call for help
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Weather-whipped Floridians blinked into the bright sun Monday and for the fourth time in six weeks trudged toward recovery, dragging broken tree limbs and ripped shingles to the curb.
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The storm’s devastation appears far worse than in the aftermath of Frances, based on an aerial survey.
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Battered Florida sustains 4th hit; 3.5 million Floridians have lost power; huge storm kills at least 6 in Florida; 19 counties named disaster areas
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At least 3 times in the past century hurricanes have picked on the same spot twice
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Less than 24 hours after Hurricane Jeanne hit Florida, insurance companies already were predicting losses in the billions of dollars from the state’s fourth major storm this season.
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Insurance companies doing business in Florida have established toll-free numbers for policyholders filing claims: ACE USA: Clients receive individual 800 numbers.
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The hurricane was expected to grow today to a Category 3, with winds of at least 111 mph.
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Deadly Hurricane Jeanne could head back toward the United States and threaten the storm-battered southeast coast, including Florida, as early as this weekend, forecasters said Wednesday.
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The latest developments in newsbrief format
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