A woman comforts her child at a relief center after fleeing Kyauktan, about 40 miles southeast of Yangon, Myanmar’s main city. Tropical Cyclone Nargis, which slammed into the rice-growing Irrawaddy River delta region in the country’s south, may be followed by another storm: A tropical depression is building over the Andaman Sea as survivors of the first storm await aid. The government raised the official toll to 29,000. (AFP/Getty Images)
A boy carries away material scavenged from the debris of cyclone-ravaged houses in Kyauktan, about 40 miles southeast of Myanmar’s main city, Yangon, also known as Rangoon. (AFP/Getty Images)
Worshipers at a Burmese Buddhist temple in Singapore collect donations for cyclone victims in Myanmar. The Assn. of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, is planning a high-level meeting in Singapore soon to discuss measures to boost relief and recovery efforts. (AFP/Getty Images)