Inquest into John Kaiser’s death
Lawyer Mbuthi Gathenji was enlisted by the family of Father John Kaiser and the Roman Catholic Church to reexamine the circumstances of Kaiser’s death. (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)
Kenyan President Daniel Arap Moi appears at
Members of the Assn. of the Sisterhood of Kenya leave the courthouse in Nairobi after the August 2007 conclusion of the inquest into the death of Father John Kaiser. Magistrate Maureen Odero, who presided over the inquest, said the priest was the victim of murder, not suicide as found by a previous investigation. (Khalil Senosi / Associated Press)
The children of Lolgorien play at the grounds of the parish where John Kaiser last worked. Kaiser’s brother Francis visited the western region of Kenya three years after John’s death and found that in villages throughout the area, people were naming their baby boys after John Kaiser. There were hundreds across the countryside, maybe more. (Christopher Goffard / Los Angeles Times)
Children play outside the parish house in Lolgorien where Father John Kaiser spent his last years, and where he prepared his testimony for the Akiwumi Commission. (Christopher Goffard / Los Angeles Times)