Christine Maguire checks on her lambs at the Rinconada Dairy, a sheep ranch and cheese-making operation she and her husband, Jim, own near San Luis Obispo. The Maguires, whose operation is one of only two licensed sheep’s-milk dairies in California, invite paying guests to stay on their 52-acre spread. (Carlos Chavez/ Los Angeles Times)
La Panza Gold, styled after a Corsican farmhouse cheese, is among the dairy’s artisan-cheese offerings. The Maguires’ award-winning cheeses have been popping up in such high-end places as Campanile and the Cheese Store of Beverly Hills. (Stephen Osman/ Los Angeles Times)
Scores of sheep roam the pastures at the Rinconada Dairy. (Carlos Chavez/ Los Angeles Times)
The best-known of the Maguires’ cheeses is Pozo Tomme, nutty and pecorino-esque, and aged for two months. (Stephen Osman/ Los Angeles Times)
Christine Maguire brings her dogs with her on her rounds. The Maguires arise early in the morning to do chores as well as to feed weekend guests. (Carlos Chavez/ Los Angeles Times)
Pozo Tomme, in an attractively presented 5-pound wheel. (Stephen Osman/ Los Angeles Times)
Christine Maguire carries supplies while checking on the lambs, which she sometimes bottle-feeds. (Carlos Chavez/ Los Angeles Times)
Sheep cluster under a tree at the Rinconada Dairy. The dairy is within easy driving distance of the Santa Ynez Valley and Paso Robles near dozens of excellent wineries. (Stephen Osman/ Los Angeles Times)
A room at the Spanish-style Rinconada Dairy. A hearty breakfast with local or home-grown fare is included. (Carlos Chavez/ Los Angeles Times)