Lourdes, France
The view from the dome of one of the many places of worship in Lourdes. In 1858 a girl named Bernadette reported visions of the Virgin Mary in the town, now home to one of the most popular Catholic shrines in the world. (Susan Spano / Los Angeles Times)
A street banner celebrates the 150th anniversary of the apparitions with an image of Bernadette and welcomes visitors in different languages. (Susan Spano / Los Angeles Times)
The nightly candlelight procession of pilgrims, come rain or shine. (Susan Spano / Los Angeles Times)
The Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Lourdes. (Susan Spano / Los Angeles Times)
One of the stations where candles can be lighted for the intentions of the visitor. (Susan Spano / Los Angeles Times)
A visitor at one of the Stations of the Cross, a series of scenes or prayer stations concerning Jesus Christs final sufferings and death. (Susan Spano / Los Angeles Times)
Statues of the Virgin Mary of Lourdes can be had in many sizes and colors. (Susan Spano / Los Angeles Times)
The 150th anniversary celebration of the apparitions of Bernadette will include a visit from
The sick, aged and infirm, helped by volunteers, come to the shrine seeking encouragement and cures. (Susan Spano / Los Angeles Times)
Visitors flock to the grotto where Bernadette is said to have seen the apparitions in 1858. (Susan Spano / Los Angeles Times)
A group walks along the Stations of the Cross behind the grotto. (Susan Spano / Los Angeles Times)