Travel books and accessories to give your favorite travelers
The reason: If Yosemite had a yearbook, this would be it. This stunning collection of close-ups and panoramas grew out of Los Angeles Times photographer Mark Boster’s yearlong assignment on the park. For photographers, serious and otherwise, it’s the most vivid lesson imaginable in lighting, composition and patience in waiting for the right moment. But you don’t have to love photography to appreciate this book. All you need is love for California’s most popular backdrop. With a foreword by Robert Redford.
The price: $34.95.
The details:
-- Chris Erskine (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
OK, we admit it upfront: These aren’t the sexiest gifts you’ll find on the market. No, in this group you won’t find the miracle travel shirt that never needs washing or the wonder-wheeled suitcase that converts into a bicycle. (If you find these items, please contact us.) Instead, we offer you some of our favorite finds that say, “Hey, traveler, we get you. You’re smart, you’re curious, and you want pockets in your underpants.” For our picks, read on.
-- Times Travel staff
The reason: The dining options in greater L.A. are so vast and wonderful, the territory seems to defy containment between book covers. But Bates and her eight contributing editors have taken on the task, and done it with organizational elan (helpful chapter tabs) in 400 pages. Nearly 500 restaurants are included, and several pages cover the region’s growing number of food trucks. No photos -- all the emphasis is on the authors’ savvy, conversational assessments.
The price: $19.95 (paperback), $9.99 for Kindle.
The details:
-- Christopher Reynolds (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
The reason: If you can’t give the gift of the whole world (see L1), this is a great alternative. Brand new, with info on South Sudan as well as 75,000 cities and topics such as piracy, global warming and more. Most of all, it gives us perspective on this big, (mostly) beautiful world.
The price: $89.95.
The details:
-- Catharine Hamm (Gary Friedman /Los Angeles Times)
The reason: This clothbound doorstop volume (700 pages, 3.4 pounds) is dense with data and handsome color photography. The format means much of the prose is formulaic -- but that’s the point. Every time, you get eating, sleeping and goofing-around ideas for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, a map, a bushel of service information and a batch of photos.
The price: $39.99, but Amazon has been discounting it to $23.99.
The details:
-- Christopher Reynolds (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
The reason: It’s pocket-size, so that means next time you’re in Bern, Switzerland, you’ll know to see the Stuker Auction House. And you’ll surely add the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique -- at least you will if you have this guide, which is a world smorgasbord. Good gift if you think chain stores and strip malls have eaten the world.
The price: $24.95.
The details:
-- Catharine Hamm (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
The reason: No more smashed wine bottles with this inflatable bag for your baggage. (Remember, if you’re using a carry-on for your airline trip, you can’t take more than 3 ounces of liquids in one bottle.) It cradles your treasure (containers of liquid, foods, breakable items) like a child. Come to Mama, VinniBag.
The price: $28.
The details:
-- Catharine Hamm (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
The reason: Say ahhh. Those who are spoiled by their pillow at home may fall in love with this 19-by-14-inch downy wonder. Yes, it’s down, but it also has an inflatable inner pillow that lets you control the firmness. It rolls up, uninflated, into a convenient oblong pack that can be squeezed into a carry-on. (Pillow may not be available for Christmas delivery.)
The price: About $117.
The details:
-- Catharine Hamm (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
The reason: Tired of tipping over and slobbering on your airline neighbor as you doze at 35,000 feet? Me too. This pillow, which fits into a carrying case with a carabiner clip, comes in faux suede or satin. It looks like a dumbbell with a flaccid bar; it can be adjusted for a looser or tighter fit.
The price: $39.95.
The details:
-- Catharine Hamm (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
The reason: Even if you double the number of pouches you plop in your hotel room coffee maker, your cuppa joe still tastes like swill. Enter Dr. Drip packets, which allow you to brew an individual cup. They’re not those noxious coffee singles that taste like rainwater runoff but actual ground coffee, in a filter, through which you pour hot water as it rests stands on a little cardboard stand. Thank you, sir. May I have another? Comes in several blends, including decaf.
The price: $8.99 for five packets.
The details:
-- Catharine Hamm (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)