
Tips4theTrip: About your device: Please don’t block my view with it

A tourist uses her tablet to capture the scene at Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. Taken in July 2015.

A tourist uses her tablet to capture the scene at Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. Taken in July 2015.

(Christopher Reynolds / Los Angeles Times)

Admit it. You’ve been guilty of this, if not with your tablet then with your phone, your old-school camera, perhaps your easel. OK, maybe not your easel.

But we’ve all done this, and we know we shouldn’t. So let’s thank this anonymous traveler for helping us repent.

This scene took place at Old Faithful, in Yellowstone National Park, during the height of summer visitation, 2015. I’m sure it’ll never happen again.


Anyway, you can always count on travel to teach you something — but what? Travel is the substitute teacher who didn’t get the lesson plan, the adjunct lecturer who goes off on Bukowski, the grad assistant who trashes your poetry, then hands out red velvet cupcakes. If only you’d had a clue what was coming, right?

I’m building this gallery of guidance from new and old adventures in the West and the world beyond. The photos are all mine. As for the attempted wisdom, it’s all dead serious, except for that which isn’t.


Twitter: @mrcsreynolds


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