
Editor’s note

THIS ISSUE of the Los Angeles Times Book Review is the final one in its current form. Starting Aug. 3, Sunday book coverage will move to a reconfigured Calendar Part II, which will be renamed Arts & Books and will feature dedicated space for books.

In addition to Arts & Books, we will also continue to publish book reviews six days a week in daily Calendar. We will also publish book-related features, both in the daily paper and on Sunday. And, of course, we will maintain the online book coverage at, including our Web columns and our book blog, Jacket Copy,

Literature is essential to the well-being of our culture; it is the substance of our collective dreams. That has long been part of this newspaper’s legacy, and even in the midst of changes, we will continue to honor it -- as we have since the days of Robert Kirsch and Art Seidenbaum.



David L. Ulin
