
Letters to the Editor: Hans Keirstead, not Harley Rouda, is the one running a clean campaign in the 48th District

I’m writing to respond to a letter to the editor posted on the Daily Pilot on April 19, “Democrat Rouda takes the high road while Republicans Rohrabacher and Baugh sling mud.”

This couldn’t be further from the truth. In the past few months, 48th District Congressional candidate Harley Rouda has been engaging in the exact same types of mud-slinging tactics that former Assemblyman Scott Baugh and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) are using now.

Leading up to the California Democratic Party convention, Rouda sent at least three different mail pieces to delegates attacking Hans Keirstead, who was in the lead at the local pre-convention endorsement meeting of grassroots activists.


Keirstead and his campaign spent several hours calling, emailing and meeting delegates to make his case about why he is the best candidate. In the end, the positive message won, and Keirstead received the endorsement by the 48th Congressional District delegates at the California Democratic Party Convention in February.

Rouda has failed to follow the high road. The people of the 48th District deserve better, someone who focuses on their own strengths and values, instead of attacking other Democrats. That candidate is Keirstead, the candidate endorsed by local activists like me, not insiders or Democratic National Committee trolls or super delegates.

Craig Beauchamp

Costa Mesa

The writer is an Assembly District 74 delegate.

Rohrabacher has accomplished little in 30 years

When asked about when he knew when to retire, former New York Mets catcher and broadcaster Fran Healy said, “As I walked back to the dugout after striking out, I looked into the stands and saw my wife and kids booing me.”

I have been a 30-year supporter of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) but believe it is time for him to retire. I’ve walked precincts for Rohrabacher, raised money and over the past three decades watched him lose touch with his constituents.

Washington, D.C., has a way of changing politicians. Elected in 1988, Rohrabacher was a strong term-limits supporter. That was 30 years ago.

Rohrabacher has spent too much time in the beltway, where he has accomplished little except marking time and collecting a paycheck. He’s neglected his constituents while enriching himself, traveling the world on taxpayer-funded junkets and paying his wife nearly $1 million in campaign funds.

We need a new member of Congress with the energy and ideas to represent the district — not one who focuses on Vladimir Putin, marijuana and his next trip abroad.

After 15 terms, Rohrabacher needs to retire.

Jim Silva

Huntington Beach

The writer is a former state assemblyman and county supervisor.

Let’s drain the Team Newport swamp

What is going on in our city? Some of the council members are meeting in secret in order to oust the city manager. Two members of the council are accused of violating our campaign contribution laws — for the second time. The council is issuing subpoenas to harass our citizens in a case where they have no jurisdiction. The council is proposing to spend millions on a port plan.

Before that, they were trying to undermine our right to petition on the Museum House and wanted to refuse the gas tax dollars paid by Newport Beach motorists.

We never had this type of chaos before Team Newport moved into town and took over. This band of partisans, some from out of town, has made our city a laughingstock. We need to make a clean sweep of these interlopers and the puppet masters who pull their strings. As a taxpayer, I am simply outraged.

Let’s drain the swap at City Hall by electing a new council in November and restore ethics to Newport Beach.

Lauri Preedge

Newport Beach

Fiscal conservatives wasted money to terminate contract

City Manager Dave Kiff, for whom I have the utmost respect and admiration, had an employment contract with the city of Newport Beach for a term ending in early 2019. We have been told that Kiff wanted an early exit from the contract for personal reasons and four members (a majority) of the City Council were willing to oblige.

It is an accepted practice, and simple common sense, that a person seeking to get out of a binding contract agrees to pay some form of penalty/compensation to the other party. Instead he was rewarded, with what I would consider a bonus of $200,000, so that he could walk away from his contractual obligation.

Something does not add up here. And I now read that one of the four City Council members who facilitated this squandering of $200,000 in taxpayer money, has been awarded this year’s “Taxpayer Watchdog” award. Go figure.

Jamshed Dastur

Balboa Island

Puzzled by puzzle placement

I can tell that the last two editions (April 19-20) of the Daily Pilot were set up by a typesetter who does not do crosswords, because they were in the middle of the fold. How about going back to the old one?

Dennis Strow

Fountain Valley

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