

We were saddened by Peter Buffa’s column about the rude treatment by the Newport Beach City Council to Dennis Holland concerning his effort to restore the Shawnee, a historical sailing boat he rescued from sinking into the bay (“A new voyage for boat,” Nov. 15).

We remember Holland building his boat, the Pilgrim, in Costa Mesa in the 1970s, and we remember visiting with him with our children.

We considered him a hero to build such an amazing and wonderful sailing ship. That boat will live longer than Holland, us or the council.


The Pilgrim is a masterpiece that we all can be proud of! We drive by Holland’s house frequently on our way to Westcliff Plaza Shopping Center and we love seeing this latest project. We don’t understand how his narrow-minded neighbors can complain. We guess it has something to do with the address and attitude.

We are proud to live in Costa Mesa, where that would never happen!

How could neighbors not celebrate the herculean effort that it takes to restore the Shawnee? We are a village near the sea, aren’t we? What could be more important than this creative and historic effort? Beats me! Oh, that’s right, Newport Beach is all about appearance, I forgot.

Martha Grove

Costa Mesa

Support the people you represent

Dear Rep. John Campbell:

[The recent] House vote in favor of health-care reform means that you have one more chance to serve your constituents’ needs.

When the House and Senate merge their bills, you will get the chance to vote in favor of fixing our badly broken health-care system.

Just because right-wing pundits say you should “just say no” to any idea with Democratic support doesn’t mean you have to blindly follow their lead.

We all know that health insurers donate to your campaign (and everyone else’s), and their lobbyists spend lots of time “educating” Congress members about the weaknesses in the legislation.

But you joined Congress to represent the people of the 48th District. We all have horror stories about health care. You represent us.

Please vote in favor of this badly needed change. Place our needs ahead of your party’s or your donors.

Be the congressman we all hoped you would be.

Peter J. Nanula

Newport Beach

Swap ‘God’ for ‘Obama’ in plaque

Wendy Leece’s latest crusade is to have the words “In God We Trust” affixed to the wall in the Council Chamber. Naturally, this has caused controversy because that is what Leece does best.

May I suggest a slight change? Instead of God, why don’t they put “In Obama We Trust?” After all, he is president and can do or not do a great many acts, which will certainly have an impact on all our lives, whether or not one agrees with him. Besides, I’m sure God is busy and would prefer not to be dragged into the vicissitudes of Costa Mesa politics.

Lenard Davis

Newport Beach
