

St. James Church has taken its land dispute against the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles County to the California Supreme Court in hopes of having the previous decision giving control of the property to the diocese overturned.

The Newport Beach church filed a petition in July with the state court after an appellate ruling in June in favor of the diocese. The court on Wednesday granted St. James’ petition to review the case, according to Supreme Court records available online.

The legal battle began in 2004, shortly after St. James cut ties with the Episcopal Church. Church leaders said they felt the diocese had become too liberal regarding the divinity of Jesus.


The international Anglican Communion has been divided since the Episcopal Church consecrated a gay bishop in 2003. St. James subsequently affiliated with the Diocese of Luwero in the Anglican Province of Uganda.

Based on a Diocese Canon declared in 1979, the Los Angeles diocese claims to hold the church’s property in trust.
