
SOUNDING OFF:Site shouldn’t be in city hands

The day labor site should be sold — and not to the City of Laguna Beach. The city is not only giving a grant to run this site, but it is also using city employees to clean and maintain the site, those funds coming directly from the city budget (they simply send our city employees while on the clock being paid by the city to take care of the site). From reports, this equals close to $100,000 per year.

If the only two choices the city is giving us is between having the day labor site continue its illegal operating and sucking tax money from the residents of Laguna Beach or the other choice of selling the land to a business that will give back to the city in the way of taxes, then I say it should be sold.

The day labor site is already operating as a business by requiring a fee be paid for services. They charge the employers $5 per worker and they charge the workers $1 per day. They are taking in close to $100,000 yearly. The city pays all their expenses and they are the highest-funded project from our “charity budget.”


These illegal aliens do not give anything back to our city. Like illegals around the state and our country, they are diminishing the value and the provided benefits from legal citizens, taking their jobs, using up our medical services and taking all the charity they can get from our government and anywhere they can.

  • MICHAEL LaRICHE lives in Laguna Beach.
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