

The following is from the Jan. 9 meeting of the Laguna Beach Unified School District Board of Trustees.

Students concerned about dearth of early college admissions

Student board representative and Laguna Beach High School senior James Knapp said that many students are concerned that an appearance of inflated grades at the high school may be keeping top students from early admission to the best colleges and universities.

Knapp claimed that nine students from Corona del Mar High School had been accepted for early admission to Harvard University and several were admitted to Stanford, whereas none of the top students at Laguna Beach High School that he knew had received early admission to the top schools. Corona del Mar High is comparable to Laguna Beach High in size and demographics, Knapp stated.


He said that students wondered whether they had received lower credibility in the eyes of college admission departments, either due to grading policies or other stereotypes that may have affected their admissions. He also noted that fewer colleges have visited the campus this year, compared to his own freshman year.

Board clerk El Hathaway asked whether the grade inflation issue could be discussed during the board’s February retreat.

Board member Theresa O’Hare said that high school Principal Don Austin is looking into the issue, as are the Professional Learning Communities and school Site Council.

High school marquee to be replaced

A once-controversial marquee that has sat for more than six years at the corner of Park and Short Streets on the edge of the high school campus will be replaced with a new model, the board approved unanimously.

The marquee, which was donated by a parent, was the only backlit sign in Laguna Beach at the time of its installation. It received considerable criticism from neighbors at its installation, but complaints have not been made in several years.

It has since become obsolete, its parts were discontinued, and the district has become creative in its efforts to keep it working, to the point of using appliance lightbulbs with an improvised fan cooling system.

The board authorized the district to spend about $19,000 replacing the marquee and adding features that would allow it to hold more information and be updated wirelessly from three locations on the campus.

New signage and advertising policy to be reviewed

The board conducted a first reading of proposed changes to the board policy regarding advertising on school grounds.

As no members of the public were at the meeting to comment about the proposed changes, the issue will be revisited at the board’s Jan. 23 meeting. Anyone with opinions about the policy is requested to share them at the meeting.

Superintendent search firm selected

In a 3-2 vote, the board recommended the Leadership Associates search firm of Mission Viejo to conduct the search for a new district superintendent. The board interviewed four search firms on Jan. 8.

Board members Ketta Brown and Jan Vickers indicated a preference for 4 Administrators Executive Search Firm of Bakersfield, but the other members preferred Leadership Associates, which is also conducting a search for the Capistrano Valley Unified School District.

Superintendent Theresa Daem, who was recruited to Laguna by Leadership Associates, will step down at the end of the school year.

After-school tutoring draws many students

High School Assistant Principal Bob Billinger said that the first new after-school tutoring session attracted 60 to 70 students, although about a dozen had to leave for sports practice; most students came for assistance in math.

He said that the school is considering offering tutoring and study time at other times to help those with packed schedules, such as zero period, evenings after sports practice or on weekends.

Board member proposes increased recognitions

Board member O’Hare suggested increasing the number of recognitions the board gives volunteers and other parties during meetings. Daem suggested that a subcommittee be responsible for the recognitions.

By Candice Baker
