
THE CROWD:Breakfast at Tiffany’s for United Way patrons

In the spirit of Holly Golightly, Jeffrey Bennett, vice president of Tiffany & Co. at South Coast Plaza, opened his bulletproof and polished stainless steel doors to welcome the Orange County United Way and the organization’s very special patrons to a local version of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”

It was an early Saturday morning in-store breakfast served by Pascal’s of Newport Beach. The women attending were part of the Philanthropy Fund of Orange County United Way, a select group of very generous donors contributing $10,000 or more every year to support local programs. Nella Webster O’Grady, chairwoman of the Women’s Philanthropy Fund, welcomed the arriving guests to the special breakfast meeting. O’Grady said, “You should all be thankful for what you do each and every day to make a difference in the lives of many deserving people.” An emphasis is placed on supporting local programs that provide women with resources, encouragement, and assistance designed to lead them into self-sufficient lives.

Drug and alcohol abuse is a major stumbling block to self sufficiency. Guest speaker Jenny Rodin, a graduate of WISEPlace, which is one of the organization’s United Way supports, shared her very personal story with the women attending the breakfast about transitioning from drug addiction and living on the street to going back to school and finding a secure and permanent job. Rodin received a standing ovation at the conclusion of her life story.


“I came to WISEPlace homeless, penniless and unemployed. I was as close to having nothing as I had ever been and above all, I was missing hope,” Rodin said. “Because of your compassion, your active commitment to help make a difference, I was able to turn my life around — something I once thought impossible. Miracles happen because of people like you and the wonderful programs supported by Orange County United Way.”

Founded in 2002, the Women’s Philanthropy Fund of Orange County United Way is an organization with a roster of more than 130 members who make a significant difference every year in the lives of people like Jenny Rodin. For more information on the Philanthropy Fund, please contact Carla Vargas Rivas at (949) 263-6144 or go online at

  • THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays.
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