
Debates require respect for opposition I read...

Debates require respect for opposition

I read with casual interest the response to the Pilot’s article,

“Mother daughter march causes concern,” (Mailbag, May 1) regarding

the Harringtons’ attendance at the women’s march in Washington D.C.

(“Newport native makes abortion march,” April 28).

While I usually resist the temptation to argue political

viewpoints, it seems that Peggy Normandin appears to have taken the

conservative, anti-choice position with renewed venom.

The notion that despite Kayley Harrington’s education, she is

sadly misinformed, her thinking skewed and her philosophy riddled

with illogical rhetoric implies that the other million-plus women,

who also marched, were affected as well.

To state that abortion is not “a huge issue” ignored the reality

of most current political debates. Advocates for Youth is an

organization that educates young people about reproductive and sexual

health, not just abortion rights, as Normandin implied.

Finally, to suggest that someone who is willing to go to the

effort of traveling across the country and stand up for something

they believe in, should find a “more wholesome hobby,” belittles

their sincerity and commitment and shows lack of respect for their

viewpoint. Clearly, there are two sides to every issue and they

should be argued on their own merits.


Newport Beach

Lets not lose the fair to South County, too

I felt the need to opine in response to Deirdre Newman’s article

“City considering its zoning options,” May 7. If Assemblyman John

Campbell is really serious about selling the fairgrounds and moving

the fair operations to the so-called Great Park, which I hope is an

unsuccessful attempt at humor, then we of Costa Mesa should make

rezoning a top and immediate priority.

I suggest our City Council rezone this important part of Costa

Mesa’s heritage from agricultural to “fairground/swap meet/parking

lot/special events.” Then, if Campbell succeeds in selling the

property, purchasers will be limited to using it in the exact same

way it is currently used.

Irvine Mayor Larry Agran and his henchmen succeeded in snookering

Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, and the rest of north Orange County,

out of the El Toro Airport. I don’t wish for us to stand idly by and

watch them hoodwink us out of our fair and swap meet, as well. Costa

Mesa cannot reasonably expect to receive a single dime if the

fairgrounds is sold. But we can forecast the loss of millions of

dollars in lost tax revenue in perpetuity if the fair moves to

Irvine. I urge our leaders to do whatever proves necessary to prevent

that travesty from happening.


Costa Mesa
