
Dual film societies is ridiculous

Vivian Levin

Last month I eagerly joined the Laguna Beach Film Society, absolutely

excited about the concept and the reality of having independent films

made available in our city and shown locally.

It is an idea that brings film lovers together in a community way

that allows not only the excitement of seeing new and original work,

but discussion and the breaking of bread together, within an ongoing

social structure.

However, I was quite appalled, to say nothing of being perplexed,

when I read in our local papers that there was a second film group

starting up at the same time and showing their films on the same

second Thursday of each month.

What sort or competitive idiocy is this? The losers are those of

us film buffs who would certainly enjoy having two theaters in

Laguna, where we would have the pleasure of viewing new, original,

provocative and non-commercial Hollywood films. I think we could

manage going to two movies a month. Why should we be made to choose,

instead of having each made available to us?

* VIVIAN LEVIN is a Laguna Beach resident.
