
We must return democracy to city For...

We must return democracy to city

For months now I have been following the news and reading letters

to the editors and know that I am not the only person who is

disgusted with the way the city of Huntington Beach has handled its

latest problem, the collection of illegal taxes.

I have applied for my refund, written letters to my council

members telling them to reconsider their decision of yet another tax

and discussed the issue with many of my fellow citizens. And yet I

cannot help but wonder who, if anybody, is listening. The city

employees and the city council are completely unresponsive to the

wants, needs or concerns of the citizens they represent. Issue after

issue is brought before them and yet they continue to act as an

independent entity with no accountability whatsoever.

What can we do to bring democracy back into this city and make the

employees of Huntington Beach realize that they work for us and not

the other way around. Too much of my income is going to paying the

inflated salaries and benefits packages of these very people who

don’t seem to know that I, the taxpayer, even exists.


Huntington Beach

Coverage of tax refund is a big help

I just wanted to thank the Independent.

I received my newspaper and was quite shocked at the top story,

“City to refund tax fares.” [Aug. 7] I remember when it started but I

hadn’t been following it. Had it not been for the reporter who did

this fine piece of work of news coverage; I think he or she is great

because I’m a senior citizen and I then called up another senior

citizen and she hadn’t heard about it. So we went down to City Hall

and picked up our papers to file. Thank you so much. We always could

use an extra refund.


Huntington Beach

Poseidon and bond for refund bad ideas

I do not think the Planning Commission should have passed the

environmental report for Poseidon. I think it’s not a good thing for

the city.

I also have a comment about the tax refund. Finally we have gotten

the city to agree that it was illegal for them to charge us this

extra tax. Now they are coming around to say, “Oh, they’re going to

pass a bond issue to pay for it.”

I agree totally with Danette Goulet, whose article in the

Independent today was excellent about getting the money from the

retirees. [“Refunds must come from city, not taxpayers.” Aug. 14] Get

it from the employees. Get it from wherever we gave that money to.

Don’t pass another bond issue. That just means the taxpayers are

paying for their own tax refund. What is wrong with the City Council

that they can’t figure this out?


Huntington Beach

Surfing activities should be allowed

All those activities (surfing, windsurfing and kite surfing)

should be allowed. Our beaches are not only for their beauty but

they’re also for recreation, entertainment, and I don’t see those

activities hindering any large number of the people.


Huntington Beach
