
It’s time for communities to unite

Rex Ricks

I would like to bring attention to the lack of unity regarding

perpetual Long Beach Airport expansion. Many letters printed offer

short-term solutions that would merely shift the problem, but not

solve the problem.

For example, some say loop the jets over the ocean and send them

over the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station. Well, the jets already go

over the weapons station. But to loop them over the ocean beforehand

would only shift the approach pattern further south in our city.

Then some suggest sending them over Los Alamitos. That would

require a north-south-north zig-zag pattern, since the airfield in

Los Alamitos is north of the Long Beach runway. This approach would

just put jets over our neighbors in Westminster instead.

Finally, some have said merely raising the altitude would take

care of the problem. I’m sorry but the glide slope can only be so

steep. Also, that does nothing to help the people closest to the


While the ideas suggested would serve to protect someone’s

immediate precinct, the downfall is they would have little appeal

outside of that same precinct as well. The point is we are all in

this together. I have built up alliances in Long Beach, Costa Mesa

and Seal Beach; cities that are impacted by the airport’s growth.

Remember, there is no “I” in team. We all need to be on the same page

when it comes to keeping a lid on Long Beach expansion so that

everyone has incentive to participate and can benefit.

I now bring attention to ongoing noise bucket study, whose results

will be released on Oct. 15. Take a look at this Jet Blue link:


According to the diagram, JetBlue claims their Airbus 320 jets

produce a noise footprint eight times smaller than older jets. Since

the airport’s noise bucket is based on measuring 41 older, noisier jets from the years of 1989-90, then potentially there may be room

for eight times 41 flights for a total of 328 daily flights.

Now, I really hope I am wrong on this count, but just remember,

there is not a jet or a passenger limit, just a noise limit.

Therefore, teamwork is needed more than ever. Please check out today and get involved. United we win, divided we


* REX RICKS is a Huntington Beach resident. To contribute to

“Sounding Off” e-mail us at [email protected] or fax us at (714)

