
A celebration of survival

It was an emotional day at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel. The 20th

annual Rainbow of Hope luncheon and fashion show produced by the

Newport Harbor alumnae of Delta Delta Delta attracted more than 200

guests to raise funds for pediatric cancer research and support.

Michelle Carter, a mother of two children diagnosed with pediatric

cancer shared her story. Tears flowed in the audience at the


“If not for the efforts of two doctors, my children would not be

alive today,” Carter told the crowd.

Dr. Mitchell Cairo of Columbia University, New York, and Dr.

Stuart Siegel at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles were praised by

Carter for helping to save her son Garrett and her daughter Ashley,

both stricken with pediatric cancer.

Garrett Carter was diagnosed at the age of 8, and some years

later, Ashely Carter was diagnosed with cancer at age 15. Michelle

Carter shared her anguish with the audience, tempered by an

overriding optimism.

“My children never asked ‘Why me,’” Carter said. “They took the

challenges they were faced with and reached out to others.”

Carter went on to say that one of her most poignant memories of

her son Garrett’s ordeal with cancer included his comments right

before a swim meet.

“Not having my hair will make me swim faster,” Garrett said.

Garrett survived cancer, has grown up and graduated from UC

Irvine. Ashley also survived.

“Thank you so much on behalf of all the children,” Michelle Carter

said. “Every dollar and every hour contributed to fight pediatric

cancer makes a difference.”

The luncheon fashion show, chaired by Wendy Shiff with support

from Susan Wachler, Diann Leduc, Theresa Sperle, Dawn Sather, Dr. Sue

Cox, Debbie Grayston, Lori Contant, Heidi Primeaux, Margarita

McLaughlin, Paige Baumgartner, Charyl Butterworth and Michele Johnson

raised $16,000, which will be donated to the Pediatric Cancer

Research Foundation.

Attending the event, which included fashions provided by stores at

Fashion Island and modeled by Tri Delta alumnae and their children,

were Cindy Budde, Paula Dickson, Sarah Griffin, Miri Shapiro,

Patricia and Sharon Tetrault and Patti Edwards.

* THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays.
