
Preparedness pamphlet shipping Every Laguna Beach resident...

Preparedness pamphlet shipping

Every Laguna Beach resident should receive a pamphlet next week

that serves as an introductory guide to domestic preparedness in

emergency situations or disasters.

The Laguna Beach Police Department put the pamphlet together after

it was suggested by City Council.

“City Council and city staff felt that in light of the times, it

would be prudent to distribute information to the people that serves

as a starting point concerning what to do in the case of a terrorist

attack or any emergency,” Sgt. Jason Kravetz said.

The pamphlet will be included inside the Summer Recreations

Program, which will be mailed to every residence and Laguna Beach

post office box on May 2.

“It’s not comprehensive,” Kravetz said, “but a lot of folks don’t

know where to start in the case of an emergency. This is the first

time we’ve done this, and we hope people will take minute to read


-- Mike Swanson
