
A welcome dose of good school news

The Laguna Beach Unified School District got a refreshing piece of

good news last week when Thurston Middle School was named a

California Distinguished School.

The honor, which recognizes top schools throughout the state and

makes those campuses eligible for the prestigious National Blue

Ribbon award, is the culmination of hard work -- both in the

classroom and in the time-consuming application process.

One of the reason’s for Thurston’s recognition is the school’s

well-rounded curriculum. Principal Chris Duddy said the teachers and

staff focus on educating “the whole person.” Not a bad idea

considering it’s the whole person that will face the twists and turns

that life will bring.

Each time our schools win, it is a welcome reminder that our

children are getting the education they need and deserve.

Unfortunately, keeping up the award-winning education may become

even a greater challenge with expected budget cuts. A recent 5-0

decision by legislators against Gov. Gray Davis’ budget proposal may

mean a more manageable budget for Laguna, if the governor doesn’t

disregard their wishes, but either way, cuts are inevitable for the

next school year.

With the district being named one of the top 100 in music

education across the nation and school officials struggling to find

funds to keep such programs, we are hopeful the admirable tutelage

will continue at all the schools.

Now more than ever, it will be up to dedicated teachers and

volunteers giving their time to make sure students get the attention

they need.

It is those efforts that guarantee local schools will continue to

bring home awards year after year.
