
Putting an issue in park

For the past two years, the Costa Mesa City Council has received

letters from residents in the vicinity of TeWinkle and California

schools regarding their concerns over the use of the athletic fields.

I have been contacted several times by these residents who are,

frankly, frustrated that no apparent action has been taken to deal

with the effect of the city’s joint use of these fields.

I appreciate that the city’s Parks and Recreation Commission is

studying the matter but personally feel that these residents are due

some immediate relief and the opportunity to address the City Council

on this matter.

Accordingly, I have asked City Manager Alan Roeder to place this

matter on the City Council agenda of April 21.

I wanted to share this with interested members of the public who

may want to participate in this discussion at our next regular meet

on April 21.

* CHRIS STEEL is mayor pro tem of Costa Mesa.
