
Karen Booker of Huntington Beach has been...

Karen Booker of Huntington Beach has been named to the dean’s list at

Trinity University for the 2002 fall semester ... Justin Chao, a

junior at Edison High School in Huntington Beach, has won the Raise

Foundation’s 10th annual Blue Ribbon Essay Contest. The Raise

Foundation works to support child abuse prevention in Orange County

... Marine Corps Pvt. Robert L. Smith, son of Huntington Beach

resident Robert Smith, has recently completed basic training in San

Diego... Air Force Airman Philip A. Harrison, son of Huntington Beach

resident Russell Harrison has graduated from basic military training

at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas ... Camille Rustia

of Huntington Beach was named to the dean’s list of Emory University

for fall 2002 ... Antonietta Smekal of Huntington Beach, is a junior

at the University of Southern California who is currently spending

the spring 2003 semester studying abroad in Florence, Italy ... Ryan

Mulvania of Huntington Beach was awarded a Silver Star at the U.S.

Merchant Marine Academy during the fall of 2002 for academic


* NEIGHBORS is news about Huntington Beach people achieving and

doing good in the community. To submit information to this feature,

please send it to the Independent, Attn.: Neighbors, 18682 Beach

Blvd., Suite 160, Huntington Beach, CA 92648; fax it to (714)

965-7174; or e-mail it to [email protected].
