

-- Compiled by Angelique Flores, Tariq Malik and Torus Tammer

Huntington Beach City Council candidate Norm Westwell felt the sting

of the buzzer during the council’s Sept. 5 meeting.

Westwell was out of the room during the public comment portion of the

city’s flood management plan, so the staff skipped ahead to the next

speaker until he returned. However, after only a few seconds at the

lectern, during which Westwell could only utter the beginning of a

greeting, the timing buzzer sounded accidentally and cut him off.

“I guess your time’s up,” said Mayor Dave Garofalo, jokingly, but

encouraged Westwell to continue his comments.

2 points for Jim Tarwater

A presentation about Ocean View School District’s proposal to build a

gymnasium-auditoriums at the district’s four middle schools had coaches

and parents excited.

Supt. Jim Tarwater showed just as much enthusiasm and jokingly struck

a bargain with the National Junior Youth Basketball League of Huntington

Beach, which has expressed interest in using the gym’s basketball courts.

He promised parents and coaches that he would work hard to get the

centers built.

“If it doesn’t get the money, I’ll be a coach for NJB,” Tarwater


Now it’s come to this

A pugnacious Fountain Valley Councilman Larry Crandall was so

displeased by the recent “unsubstantiated accusations” levied against

city leaders, that he issued an ultimatum during last week’s City Council

meeting. He challenged his accuser, Councilman Chuck Conlosh, to bring

the recent allegations of malfeasance to the district attorney’s office.
