
Pet of the week

Tabatha is a 3-year-old, spayed female tabby at the Newport Beach

Animal Shelter who is at risk of being euthanized. She is a very loving

cat, but is depressed because she doesn’t have a home.

See other rescue dogs and cats from noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays and

Sundays at Russo’s Pet Experience at Fashion Island, Newport Center

Drive, Newport Beach. Adopt an animal in need!

Funds are always graciously accepted and needed to pay outstanding

veterinarian bills for animals previously cared for by the Community

Animal Network.

The Community Animal Network is a community supported local animal

organization linking people and pets through community action. See other

animals at

Animals Sponsored By:

The Community Animal Network

P.O. Box 8662 Newport Beach, CA 92658

(949) 759-3646
