
Orange County Fair 2000 -- Schedule of events



Fair hours: noon to midnight


“Hot” Weekday Wristband: Purchase a $10 wristband, good for 10 rides

of your choice. Wristbands are sold until 8 p.m., ride until midnight.

Includes rides in the major and kiddie midways. Good for all ages.

Wristbands are not transferable and do not include gate admission.


All Day

* Maternity Barn -- Livestock Maternity Barn

* Small animals on display -- Small Animal Tent

* Market animals on display -- Livestock Area

* Sheepy Hollow -- Livestock Area

* Fair Button Scavenger Hunt -- Youth Building

* Woodworking demonstrations -- Visual Arts Building

* China painting demonstrations -- Visual Arts Building

* Embroiderers’ Guild of America -- Home and Hobbies Building

* Orange County Woodturners -- Home and Hobbies Building

* Orange County Polymer Clay Guild -- Home and Hobbies Building

* Mesa Water District demonstration -- Centennial Farm/Millennium Barn

* Science Adventures -- Kids Park


7 a.m.

* Spicy Salsa Contest entries accepted until 9 a.m.; winners announced

at 11 a.m. -- Farm & Garden Booth, Centennial Farm


8 a.m.

* Judging: market goats -- Livestock Arena


9 a.m.

* Judging: FFA market sheep -- Livestock Arena


11 a.m.

* Judging: 4-H market sheep -- Livestock Arena



* “Hot, Hot, Hot” dancing -- Kids Park Stage

* Santa Ana Zoo; until 6 p.m. -- Youth Building

* Junior Floriculture Arrangements -- Youth Building

* Junior Horticulture Contest -- Youth Building


12:30 p.m.

* Charlie Keeling, glassblower -- Near Buffalo Bend Stage

* BJ and the Candywagon; until 5:30 p.m. -- Grounds


1 p.m.

* Lynn Vogen Dance Studio -- Heritage Stage

* Minute Man Youth Band -- California Patio & Spa Centennial Stage

* Brandijo, vocalist -- Celebration Stage/Youth Building

* Mouth Waterin’ Musical Chairs -- Kids Park

* Embroiderers’ Guild Stitchers -- Home and Hobbies Stage Building 14

* Red Hot Billy Peppers -- Grand Pacific Resorts Meadows Stage

* Children’s Magic Matinee with Frank Thurston -- Bijou Magic Theatre

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Newport Arena

* Picasso’s Place Art Center -- Kids Park

* Maureen W. Puppet; until 6 p.m. -- Grounds


1:30 p.m.

* Billy Erickson, country singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage

* Trinidad Steel Drum Band -- Street Scene

* Russell Brothers Circus -- Green Gate

* Sharon Hallingdal: The Living Doll; until 6:30 p.m. -- Grounds


2 p.m.

* Shenanigan’s Youth Theatre Group -- Heritage Stage

* Candy Apple Cloggers -- California Patio & Spa Centennial Stage

* Latino-Andes music -- Spotlight Stage/Visual Arts Building

* University of Fun -- Kids Park

* Slantboard Races -- Youth Building

* Judging: FFA Market swine -- Livestock Arena

* Cooking and napkin folding with Chef Jan Mongell -- Home and Hobbies

Stage Building 14

* Magic of Frank Thurston -- Grand Pacific Resorts Meadows Stage

* Terrell and Takako Juggling Team -- Street Scene


2:30 p.m.

* Billy Erickson, country singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage

* Red Hot Billy Peppers -- Street Scene


3 p.m.

* Music Room: Something Special -- Heritage Stage

* Sunshine Generation of Huntington Beach -- California Patio & Spa

Centennial Stage

* Elk Whistle, Native American Flute -- Spotlight Stage/Visual Arts

* Brandijo, vocalist -- Celebration Stage/Youth Building

* Circus Fun Revue -- Kids Park Stage

* Terrell and Takako Juggling Team -- Grand Pacific Resorts Meadows


* Children’s Magic Matinee with Frank Thurston -- Bijou Magic Theatre

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Newport Arena


3:30 p.m.

* Charlie Keeling, glassblower -- Near Buffalo Bend Stage

* Doggies of the Wild West -- Newport Arena


4 p.m.

* Dawn Marie’s School of Dance -- Heritage Stage

* Candy Apple Cloggers -- California Patio & Spa Centennial Stage

* Latino-Andes music -- Spotlight Stage/Visual Arts

* Mighty Quinn Magician -- Celebration Stage/Youth Building

* Story Time with Crafts -- Kids Park

* Gus Flamingo Magic -- Grand Pacific Resorts Meadows Stage

* Trinidad Steel Drum Band -- Street Scene

* Russell Brothers Circus -- Green Gate

* Milking demonstration -- Centennial Farm/Millennium Barn Milking



4:30 p.m.

* Billy Erickson, country singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage

* Port City Jazz Band -- Street Scene

* Magic of Frank Thurston -- Country Lane

* Cooking with Chef Jan Mongell -- Home and Hobbies Building 14


5 p.m.

* Shenanigan’s Youth Theatre Group -- Heritage Stage

* Alcantar Music, featuring Maria -- California Patio & Spa Centennial


* Elk Whistle, Native American Flute -- Spotlight Stage/Visual Arts

* University of Fun -- Youth Building

* Circus Fun Revue -- Kids Park Stage

* Gus Flamingo Magic -- Grand Pacific Resorts Meadows Stage

* Steve Lord, singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage

* Magical Spice with Erikka Dalu, Terry Godfrey, David Zirbel,

Goldfinger and Dove -- Bijou Magic Theatre

* Trinidad Steel Drum Band -- Street Scene

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Newport Arena


5:30 p.m.

* Red Hot Billy Peppers -- Grand Pacific Resorts Meadows Stage

* Billy Erickson, country singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage

* Terrell and Takako Juggling Team -- Street Scene

* Doggies of the Wild West -- Newport Arena


6 p.m.

* Some Like It Hot: Marilyn Monroe Look-a-Like Contest -- Heritage


* Alcantar Music, featuring Maria -- California Patio & Spa Centennial


* Kerry Getz, vocalist -- Spotlight Stage/Visual Arts

* Hotter Than Hot Hula Hoop Contest -- Kids Park Stage

* Gourd Society -- Home and Hobbies Stage Building 14

* Judging: 4-H market swine -- Livestock Arena

* Jonathan Wild, singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage

* Magic of Frank Thurston -- Bijou Promenade

* Trinidad Steel Drum Band -- Street Scene

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -- Grandstand Arena

* Milking Demonstration -- Centennial Farm/Millennium Barn Milking



6:30 p.m.

* Comedian Herb Dixon -- Arlington Theater

* Charlie Keeling, glassblower -- Near Buffalo Bend Stage

* Magical Spice with Erikka Dalu, Terry Godfrey, David Zirbel,

Goldfinger and Dove -- Bijou Magic Theatre


7 p.m.

* John Kay & Steppenwolf -- Arlington Theater

* Elk Whistle, Native American Flute -- Spotlight Stage/Visual Arts

* University of Fun: Artology 101 -- Kids Park Stage

* Kids Karaoke -- Youth Building

* Salsa Dance Lessons -- Heritage Stage

* Terrell and Takako Juggling Team -- Grand Pacific Resorts Meadows


* Port City Jazz Band -- Street Scene

* All Alaskan Racing Pigs -- Newport Arena

* Russell Brothers Circus -- Green Gate


7:30 p.m.

* Salsa Band -- Heritage Stage

* Steve Lord, singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage

* Gus Flamingo Magic -- Country Lane

* Red Hot Billy Peppers -- Street Scene

* Doggies of the Wild West -- Newport Arena

* Comedian Herb Dixon -- Grandstand Arena


8 p.m.

* Kerry Getz, vocalist -- Spotlight Stage/Visual Arts

* Pivot Point -- Grand Pacific Resorts Meadows Stage

* Jonathan Wild, singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage

* Magical Spice with Erikka Dalu, Terry Godfrey, David Zirbel,

Goldfinger and Dove -- Bijou Magic Theatre

* Hypnotist Mark Yuzuik -- Grandstand Arena

* Milking demonstration -- Centennial Farm/Millennium Barn Milking



8:30 p.m.

* Mark Wenzel, mime -- Arlington Theater

* John Peace Band -- Heritage Stage

* Steve Lord, singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage


9 p.m.

* John Kay & Steppenwolf -- Arlington Theater

* Jonathan Wild, singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage


9:30 p.m.

* Salsa Band -- Heritage Stage

* Comedian Herb Dixon -- Grand Pacific Resorts Meadows Stage

* Steve Lord, singer/guitarist -- Buffalo Bend Stage

* Magical Spice with Erikka Dalu, Terry Godfrey, David Zirbel,

Goldfinger and Dove -- Bijou Magic Theatre


10 p.m.

* Pivot Point -- Grand Pacific Resorts Meadows Stage


10:30 p.m.

* John Peace Band -- Heritage Stage
