

* NEIGHBORS is news about movers and shakers in your community. To submit

information to this feature please send it to the Independent, Attn.:

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Heather Grow McEwen received her law degree during the 76th annual

commencement exercises of McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento and will

is expected to receive a certificate in government studies. She is the

daughter of Linda Grow of Huntington Beach ... Michael P. Tran of

Huntington Beach was among the 92 students who graduated from Eastern

Virginia Medical School in ceremonies held May 20 ... Mark D. Wilson of

Huntington Beach received his degree in medicine from the Medical College

of Wisconsin on May 20, at its annual exercises at the Wisconsin Center

in Milwaukee. He is the son of Huntington Beach residents Regina and

Roger Wilson ... Army 1st. Lt. David T. Johnson has been decorated with

the Army Commendation Medal, awarded to individuals who demonstrate

outstanding achievement or meritorious service in the performance of

their duties. The graduate of Fountain Valley High School is the son of

Fountain Valley residents Steve and Linda Johnson ... Jay and Geri

McCullough of Huntington Beach won the award for best specialty car, as

well as the Queens Choice Trophy, for their 1934 Mercedes Benz 500K

replica with 1936 original trailer at the recent Strawberry Festival

Classic Car show in Costa Mesa ... Richard White of Huntington Beach was

one of several officials newly elected by the Area Agency on Aging and

Senior Citizens Advisory Council to serve a two-year term as a member of

the California Senior Legislature. Senior Legislature members represent

the interests of seniors in Orange County.
