

People’s Congress vote of confidence

I’d like to voice my opinion in favor of a People’s Congress to begin in

Huntington Beach (“People’s congress proposed for Huntington Beach,”

April 6). I’m a 29-year resident, and I have seen a few positive

progressive things that have occurred. However, I’ve seen many that have

been very, very disturbing to me as far as changing the quality of life,

the air quality, the visual quality and the beauty in our city. I’m very

much in favor of a people’s congress. It is a wonderful idea.

No-kill shelter a great idea

Yes, the city should build the shelter or somebody should (“Group wants

to stop animal euthanasia,” March 30). It should be run as a nonprofit

group, which people would support. There should never be any euthanasia.

No elephant in parade

This is regarding having an elephant in the Fourth of July Parade

(“Pachyderm could join parade,” April 27). I’m a 44-year resident of

Huntington Beach. I don’t think we should have one. We’ve never had one

that I can remember. It said we had two, but I don’t remember those. Our

Fourth of July Parade draws thousands and thousands of people without an

elephant. Everyone enjoys it.

I would just hate to have something happen like it did on the news the

other day. A woman was killed by one at a circus. It would just ruin the

town forever for that to happen in front of everyone. As far as the

horses go, many of them are repeat performers every year, and their

handlers know how to ride in parades. It’s a one-on-one type thing. With

an elephant, it’s a wild animal. I see no need for an elephant in our


Willing to pitch in for elephant

I certainly think it should not be a problem. If you need money to help

rent it, you might want to try and collect from a lot of people. I would

be willing to pitch in $100 toward the $2,000 fee, if that’s what it

comes to.
