
Inside Scoop

When asked if he was going to show up at Thursday’s mayor’s dinner, John

Noyes, who sports a bushy mustache, said that he wasn’t sure because he

had to wash his hair.

It must take longer than most residents realize to arrange that stylish

facial coif “Old Mayor Noyes” has.

Gone fishing for snacks

When a reporter went to interview Mike Lohrman, lead singer of the punk

band The Stitches, at his Laguna Beach record shop last week, he found

the musician gone.

There was only a little note tacked to the shop door.

“Went for snacks. Be right back,” said the note, which was signed “Mike”

and had a little heart scrawled on it.

A few minutes later, Lohrman materialized at the end of the block,

chatting with a friend and carrying his idea of some good “snacks” -- two

six-packs of cold Newcastle beer.

British invasion, literally speaking

If the real Susan Egan, who plays Sally Bowles in the Broadway musical

“Cabaret,” has any kind of accent, it’s a faintly Southern California

twang that comes from having grown up in Seal Beach.

But Egan spends so much time in the mind of Sally Bowles, a character

from Chelsea, that her speech patterns occasionally take on a decidedly

English tone.

Anybody might agree that the actor Kevin Spacey is “talented” or


But Egan?

She thinks he’s “bloody brilliant.”

To go digital...

It takes more than just computers to become a digital high school, said

Estancia High School principal Tom Antal.

As he was discussing his desire to become a digital school, Antal

explained some programs must be in place to receive the distinction.

He said with all the great programs at Estancia, the school has a good

chance of becoming a digital high school.

That is, once Antal figures out what all those great programs are!
