
Readers Respond

THE ISSUE: After they’ve spent more than two years studying the city’s

infrastructure needs and how to pay for repairs, Dave Garofalo arrived at

an Infrastructure Advisory Committee meeting and strongly hinted that he

believed the members were wrong.

I’m chairman of the city’s Infrastructure Advisory Committee. Mayor Dave

Garofalo was not discourteous when he dropped in on our meeting

(“Garofalo shoots down committee,” Jan. 13). He was apparently in City

Hall attending another meeting and wanted to see how we were doing.

With regard to his statement on infrastructure funding, he was expressing

he personal feelings, which were affected by the recent school bond

failure, which he and others worked so hard to support. He expressed a

desire to work with the committee in an effort to present the seriousness

of the condition of the infrastructure to the community and how we can

address financing alternatives.

We will be presenting our final report to the City Council this spring

and have every indication that the City Council will review our report

thoroughly before taking action. We encourage Mayor Dave Garofalo and all

City Council members to attend our steering committee and general

infrastructure advisory committee meetings to provide us with their



Huntington Beach

I’d like to know if the Independent has a full-time reporter following

the mayor around to see if he’s going to screw up or not. What did the

mayor do exactly? What is the history with the relationship between Dave

Garofalo and the Independent?

It seems like you guys are making a full-time career of chasing him down

and pointing out his faults. Whether he was rude or not, we’re dealing

with human beings. Point out a perfect individual on this earth, and

maybe we can start with that person as an example.
