
Is social media rotting our brains? New video from ASAP Science

Those fast-talking science fans at ASAP have a new social media hit with their latest video on ... the effects of social media on your body and brain.

Their latest has more than 340,000 views on YouTube. Even though most of it is bad news.

Social media has conquered the world, with one out of every three Earthlings using such, according to the video. Not only that, but 5% to 10% of all Internet users are psychologically addicted. They can't log off! The impairments to their brains are similar to impairments seen in the brains of drug addicts, ASAP says.

There's also evidence that social media use interferes with memory. Then there's "phantom vibration syndrome." That's when you think you feel your phone vibrating. But it's not. That's technology "rewiring" our nervous systems, says this sunny video.

Social media apparently rewards self-involvement. We get a dopamine kick from talking about ourselves online to an audience.

The only bright spot is in romance. "Partners tend to like each other more if they meet for the first time online rather than with a face-to-face interaction." Really? I can't wait to tweet that to my husband.

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