
Letters: An Ivy Leaguer’s bad advice for women

Re “More bad motherly advice,” Opinion, March 13

So Susan Patton is again telling young women to marry young, preferably Princeton, and to possess the best faces and bodies early plastic surgery can provide.

Instead of hearing more about Patton, I’d like to hear about the women who married Ivy Leaguers while they were still fresh and beautiful but found their husbands and their elite degrees to be lacking in both substance and respect. I’d like to hear about the women who suffered mightily at the hands of such pedigreed men.

But I’d rather not hear anymore about Patton and her book. And I suspect Patton doesn’t want someone like me who “only” attended a Jesuit university and a large public university to consider her book, since she doesn’t think it possible to meet a quality partner at a state university — much less that some of us who went to such schools found success that even Ivy Leaguers find admirable.


I suspect I’m not alone.

Mary Stanik



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