
Letters: Don’t, like, kill the SAT essay

Did it seem ironic to anyone that in the same paper that carried a front-page article on making the SAT essay optional was an editorial noting that the new Common Core curriculum would require more writing by students, and that colleges have long complained about incoming students’ poor writing skills?

As an educator, these contradictory messages are confusing, to say the least. As the parent of a high school senior who took the SAT and scored highest in the writing section, it’s frustrating that some schools don’t even count this important skill.

A little clarity, please?

Eileen Aparicio


It is about time the SAT got rid of the essay section. A potential student who cannot, like, convey ideas in less than 140 characters obviously has a problem with things like smart thoughts and stuff.


I mean, like, how many paragraphs are needed for any idea? And commas? Bummer.

OMG, my BFF tells me lots real fast.

David Goodwin

Los Angeles


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