
Letters: Business aviation is an American asset

Re “Top House Republican proposes tax overhaul,” Feb. 27

Your article misleadingly labeled the depreciation schedule for business aircraft as “special treatment.”

The depreciation system that applies to the purchase of a business aircraft has been on the books for decades, and also applies to the purchase of delivery vehicles, trucks and forklifts.

Unfortunately, each time someone mischaracterizes business aviation, they are really taking aim at an industry that generates more than 1 million American jobs and is responsible for more than $150 billion in economic impact.


Not only that, the use of these aircraft support a host of important services, including disaster relief, medical care and law enforcement.

This kind of mischaracterization of business aviation tax policy may score political points, but it comes at the expense of Main Street. We should support this vital asset.

Ed Bolen


The writer is the president and chief executive of the National Business Aviation Assn.


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