
Letters: Back to the future with food trucks

Re “Produce trucks feed a need,” Column One, Feb. 19

Produce trucks traversing neighborhoods, providing fresh produce and other items: great idea. But readers should know that bringing food to neighborhoods was once common in Los Angeles.

I lived in the Los Feliz district, and these trucks went all over the city. Before supermarkets and big-box stores, trucks had regular neighborhood routes and brought a variety of food. There must be some folks who recall deliveries of dairy items from Adohr Farms and bread and sweets from Helms Bakery. A produce wagon with farm-fresh fruit and vegetables also came weekly, as did a van that sold fish and meat.

Folks complaining about congestion should realize that fewer cars going to the supermarket means less congestion and pollution. Today’s farmers markets and now produce trucks are old ideas with fresh potential.


Toni Wellen


The question is, feed a need for what?

I think it’s great that the owner of the Pasadena truck, Benjamin Cruz, carries fresh produce and household goods. However, what about the junk food? The article mentions soda, cotton candy and chips. In a photo, two youngsters are shown clutching some of this junk food.

Obesity, especially childhood obesity, is an epidemic in this country. It may not be doing this community a favor to make this “food” so readily available.

Jackie Naiditch



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