
Skelton: Jerry Brown should sign gun bills

Gov. Jerry Brown, pictured here at an event involving electric cars, has to decide which gun control bills to sign.
Gov. Jerry Brown, pictured here at an event involving electric cars, has to decide which gun control bills to sign.
(Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)

The Legislature sent Gov. Jerry Brown several bills to stiffen California’s gun control laws, and the governor has not tipped his hand on whether he’ll sign them.

“When we pass laws, it’s not a decision of the moment,” he told reporters. “It’s a decision for the decades. And we want to look very carefully at what it is we’re setting in motion.”

In his Thursday column, George Skelton says some of these bills should definitely receive Brown’s approval.


“None of these bills will end gun violence, but they’ll reduce it,” he writes. “They may be inconvenient to some, but conserving lives — being able to go shopping or to a movie at less risk — is a higher priority.”

Skelton says a “no brainer” is a measure (SB 755 by Sen. Lois Wolk) that would prevent people from possessing a gun for 10 years if they receive two DUIs within three years.

Skelton’s columns are here.



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