The right spot for a writer
THE UNOFFICE: Andrew Winer works on his novel in the dining room, with its panoramic views: This place makes me feel a little more free. (Luis Sinco / LAT)
PURPOSEFULLY SPARE: A spiral staircase flows gracefully into the Mahs living room, with its polished concrete floors and walls decorated with the abstract paintings by Bob Mah, a retired microbiologist. (Luis Sinco / LAT)
Sunlight fills one of the six bedrooms. Writers need to have a place that is uncluttered and aesthetically appealing to inspire what comes forth, says Adeline Yen Mah, who furnished the house. (Luis Sinco / LAT)
ANGLED: Adeline Yen Mah in her weekend house. (Luis Sinco / LAT)
In the living-dining area, Adeline Yen Mah, seated in the corner talks with, from left, authors Charmaine Craig and Andrew Winer and Mahs husband, Bob. The Mahs plan to open their 5,500-square-foot home to other writers because, Adeline says, I think many of us would like to have a serene environment. (Luis Sinco / LAT)