
4Moms: Quizzing a college ‘application whisperer’

Wander among high school seniors and their families, especially if the teenagers are academically ambitious, and the tension level is as finely honed as a tightrope. Perhaps no one can tell these families that there’s no need for so much stress, but we will try with our 4Moms Spreecast conversation with “application whisperer” Lacy Crawford.

Crawford has written an often-funny – and sometimes super-sad – fictionalized account of the lengths parents go to mold their teenagers in the image they desire – to get them into the right college, no matter what, to get the right essay written for the college applications – no matter what.

We’ll talk bout Crawford’s novel, “Early Decision,” and ask just how much of it is real. Crawford lives in Southern California and was sought out by parents to help their teenagers file college applications.


Please join for the next 4Moms conversation, at 1 p.m. Pacific time here.

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