Dog mall
Pooches seems to enjoy his massage by Terry Senko at Muttropolis in Fashion Island in Newport Beach. The mall attracts pet owners and their animals from all over Orange County and beyond with its pet-friendly atmosphere. (Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times)
Candi Chamberlin’s dog, Lolly, tries on a hat at Muttropolis in Fashion Island in Newport Beach. (Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times)
Terry Senko, a dog massager, gives Casey Gorzeman’s dog, Pooches, a rubdown on “spaw” day at Muttropolis in Fashion Island mall in Newport Beach. The mall is known for its dog friendliness and Muttropolis is a chichi pet store that caters to dogs. (Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times)
Karen and Tim Gleeson of Huntington Beach enjoy a fountain with their son, Leyton, and dog Casey at Fashion Island. Dogs are a familiar sight around the mall and in the stores. On private property, its up to the owner to decide if dogs are allowed -- with the exception of service animals, which are allowed anywhere -- says Ryan Drabek, a spokesman for Orange County Animal Care Services. (Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times)
Candi Chamberlin, left, Doniqua Hoffman and Karen Russell walk with their dogs through Fashion Island, which is gaining a reputation among dog owners as particularly pet-friendly. (Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times)