<b>Photos:</b> A beloved lawn lost
The expansive lawn at the south end of Los Angeles Police Department headquarters, on the corner of Spring and 2nd streets, was lush and vibrant when it was unveiled last year.
See full story (Kenneth Kwok / Los Angeles Times)
A year later, the dry, dead grass is nearly as brown as the gravel on surrounding walkways. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
The once green and beautiful lawn is now dead. A few tufts of green remain.
See full story (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
A woman walks across the patchy grass in December as mounted LAPD officers stand watch before Chief Charlie Beck’s swearing-in ceremony. A police foundation fundraiser had been held on the south lawn a month earlier, and the tents and trucks left significant damage on the newly installed grass and to an irrigation system.
See full story (Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times)
From the time of its unveiling, the lawn has been a favorite strolling spot among downtown loft-dwellers and their dogs. But residents such as Mercedes Younger say they wish it were still green.
See full story (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
“We all kept moving down this road believing [the insurance company was] going to pick up this claim, at least the last three months. I’m not happy with the way this has gone,” says Thom Brennan, commanding officer of the LAPD’s Facilities Management Division.
See full story (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
The department has been in talks with the event-planner’s insurance company for months, trying to get the money to replant the grass and restore one of the few patches of green space in downtown’s urban core.
See full story (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)