Camp school
History teacher Vince McGrath teaches about the Revolutionary War period of the United States in his Camp Scott classroom. County supervisors approved a plan recently to create pilot charter schools at county-run juvenile probation camps, including Camps Scott and Scudder, which serve about 160 girls. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Math teacher Karen Berms, also known as Granny, gives girls instruction as they get ready to leave the classroom at Camp Scott. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Girls at Camp Scudder and Camp Scott are issued pencils in each class that they have to return at the end of class. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Math teacher Karen Berms has rules posted in her classroom at Camp Scott. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
The book “I Cried, You Didn’t Listen: A Survivor’s Expose of the
A girl at Camp Scott reads on her bed during lunch break. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Girls at Camp Scott sit quietly on their beds during lunch break. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)