
For the record - Sept. 20, 2013

Navy Yard shooting: In the Sept. 18 Section A, an article about Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis and one of his gun purchases provided an incorrect full name in place of an acronym in a quote from the lawyer for the Sharpshooters Small Arms Range and gun store in Lorton, Va. Attorney J. Michael Slocum said that the store had provided Alexis’ information to the NICS, meaning the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, not the federal Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

Fall art exhibitions: In the Sept. 15 Arts & Books section, an article about fall art exhibitions included incorrect information. The Huntington’s “Face to Face: Flanders, Florence, and Renaissance Painting” is not the first exhibition of its kind. It was inspired by a 2008 exhibition presented at the Palazzo Pitti in Florence. Also, the paintings “Portrait of Philippe de Croy” and “Virgin and Child” by Flemish artist Rogier van der Weyden are not being displayed together for the first time in the United States. They were shown together at an exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in 2006. The Huntington exhibition will be the first time they will be seen together in the Los Angeles area. In addition, the California African American Museum’s exhibition “Soul Stirring: African American Self-Taught Artists from the South” has artworks that date from the 1950s, not the 1970s, and the late artist Sam Doyle descended from slavery, but neither of his parents were slaves.
