Living by the Bering Sea
A fisherman casts his net into the Bering Sea off Providenya, Russia. Fishing nets are used to catch a type of arctic salmon. (KEVIN P. CASEY / LAT)
Living by the Bering Sea
A villager enjoys a naturally occurring hot spring located near his cabin. (KEVIN P. CASEY / LAT)
A few Salmon and a duck hang to dry in the sea air outside a cabin. (KEVIN P. CASEY / LAT)
Three hunters push a dead walrus up to shore after killing the animal, which will be used for food. (KEVIN P. CASEY / LAT)
Two boys joke around outside a house in the village of Yanrakynnot. (KEVIN P. CASEY / LAT)
Igor Macotrik takes aim at a whale near his boat in the Bering Sea. The whale had been tracked by floats attached to harpoons. (KEVIN P. CASEY / LAT)
Teacher Zoya Telpina, 38, and dogsled musher Michael Telpina at home in Yanrakynnot. The couple believes that there have been changes due to global warming. (KEVIN P. CASEY / LAT)
A whale’s jaw bone sits on Yttygran Island near “Whalebone Alley,” an abandoned construction of a relatively large and organized civilization, with an amphitheater and 120 stone meat caches that still contain mummified whale meat. On the beach nearby is a stretch of 60 massive bowhead whale skulls arranged geometrically. Tall whale jawbones stand upright amidst them like sentries. (KEVIN P. CASEY / LAT)
Two children play in the evening sun on a basketball court in the vilage of Yanrakynnot. (KEVIN P. CASEY / LAT)