
Preparing Your Earthquake Survival Kit

POLICE: Chief William J. Bratton says LAPD is developing a response plan. “We would be stretched very thin” in a disaster.
POLICE: Chief William J. Bratton says LAPD is developing a response plan. “We would be stretched very thin” in a disaster.
(Al Seib / LAT)
Times Staff Writer
Experts now recommend that disaster survivors be prepared to be self-sufficient for up to seven days, although having supplies for at least three days had been the norm. Here are lists of supplies to have at home, in the car and at work:

At home

•  Nonperishable packaged or canned food

•  A gallon of water per person per day (Replace every six months and count pets as family members)

•  Manual can opener

•  First aid kit and handbook

•  Clothing, rain gear and sturdy shoes

•  Blankets or sleeping bags

•  Portable radio and flashlight, with spare batteries

•  Essential medications

•  List of family physicians and the style and serial number of medical devices, such as pacemakers

•  Extra pair of eyeglasses

•  Extra set of house and car keys

•  Toilet paper, toiletries and feminine hygiene items

•  Fire extinguisher

•  Pet food, water and leash or carrier

•  Cash and small change

•  Water purification kit or unscented liquid bleach (eight drops per gallon when water is first stored)

•  Any special foods and supplies for babies, the disabled or the elderly

•  Plastic eating utensils, paper cups and plates

•  Heavy-duty aluminum foil

•  Paper towels

•  Knife or razor blades

•  Candles and light sticks

•  Matches in waterproof container

•  Work gloves and broom

•  Hammer and nails

•  Coils of rope and wire

•  Ax, crowbar and shovel

•  Small tool kit

•  Cheesecloth (to strain water)

•  Large and small plastic bags

•  Two tarps, 8 feet by 10 feet

•  Local street map and compass

•  Paper, pens and stamps

•  Entertainment pack of family photos, notebooks, reading material and games

In the car

•  Nylon tote or day pack

•  Bottled water

•  Nonperishable food

•  Manual can opener

•  Transistor radio, flashlight and extra batteries

•  First aid kit

•  Gloves

•  Blanket or sleeping bags

•  Sealable plastic bags

•  Moist towelettes

•  Small tool kit

•  Matches and lighter

•  Walking shoes and extra socks

•  Change of clothes

•  Cash (small bills and coins)

•  Local street map and compass

At work

•  Dry food, such as candy bars, dried fruit, jerky and crackers

•  Water or orange juice

•  Tennis shoes or walking shoes

•  First aid kit

•  Flashlight and portable radio with extra batteries

•  Matches

•  Small and large plastic bags

•  Toiletries

•  Entertainment pack of family photos, notebooks, reading material and games

Sources: USGS, City of Los Angeles Fire Department, California Office of Emergency Services, Federal Emergency Management Agency and American Red Cross

Los Angeles Times