UNCERTAIN FUTURE: Ayman Obeid, now a bank manager and married with two children, was one of the eight arrested in 1987. The government dropped Marxism-related charges against six of them who were students at the time, including Obeid, and instead tried unsuccessfully to deport them on visa technicalities. But with new laws since 9/11, charges can be refiled at any time. (Robert Gauthier / LAT)
DENIED CITIZENSHIP: Aiad Khaled Barakat, who runs a construction firm with his brother, was told he lacked “good moral character,” in a ruling that drew heavily on the FBI case. (Robert Gauthier / LAT)
NOT OVER YET: Khader Musa Hamide, who is now a coffee bean wholesaler, hugs his son Sami after Samis kindergarten graduation ceremony. The worst thing about being an immigrant, Hamide said, is “there is no double jeopardy. They can arrest you in 87 and charge you with a law that was enacted in 2001. It is just never-ending.” (Robert Gauthier / LAT)
LIFE GOES ON: Michel Ibrahim Shehadeh, with his sons Ibrahim, right, and Rami at home. Shehadeh, who goes on trial next month, has sold his pizza parlor to prepare for any outcome. (Robert Gauthier / LAT)