
How to get out of a cycling rut

Stuck in a cycling rut? Take your training to a new level and join a live Web chat with top cycling coach Joe Friel on Monday, July 18 at 11 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. CT, 2 p.m. EST.)

Friel works with amateur, elite and professional road cyclists, mountain bikers, triathletes and duathletes in how to build endurance, speed, and recover efficiently. He is the author of "The Cyclist's Training Bible" and nine other books on training for endurance athletes. He has a master's degree in exercise science and is a USA Triathlon and USA Cycling certified elite-level coach. Friel, based in Scottsdale, Ariz., is the founder of TrainingBible Coaching.

Can't make the chat? Email your questions in advance to moderator Jeannine Stein at [email protected].

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Photo credit: Joel Saget / AFP / Getty Images
