
Get in shape for summer with fitness expert Denise Austin

Get in shape for summer with great tips from fitness expert Denise Austin. Austin answered reader questions about how to tone up and trim those abs, thighs and hips before you head to the beach or pool in a live web chat on Monday, April 18th.

Austin can be seen on "The Balancing Act" on Lifetime Television and on a number of workout DVDs, including "Denise Austin: Quick Burn Cardio" and "Denise Austin: Shrink Your Fat Zones Pilates."

She is also the author of "Get Energy!: Empower Your Body, Love Your Life" and "Denise's Daily Dozen: The Easy, Every Day Program to Lose Up to 12 Pounds in 2 Weeks."

 Live chat: Get in shape for summer with fitness expert Denise Austin(04/18/2011) 
Jeannine Stein: 
Hello and thanks for being here for our web chat today with Denise Austin to talk about getting in shape for summer. We're going to be live with Denise in about 15 minutes, so please start posting your questions now and we'll be back in a bit!
Monday April 18, 2011 10:43 Jeannine Stein
Jeannine Stein: 
Hi and welcome to our live web chat with fitness expert Denise Austin. Denise is a highly respected authority in fitness and nutrition, and it's no wonder why--she's written several books, including "Get Energy!: Empower Your Body, Love Your Life" and "Denise's Daily Dozen: The Easy, Every Day Program to Lose Up to 12 Pounds in 2 Weeks." Her DVDs include "Denise Austin: Quick Burn Cardio" and "Denise Austin: Hot Body Yoga." Denise can also be seen on "The Balancing Act" on Lifetime Television. She's here today to talk about how to get in shape for summer, so please post your questions!

Welcome, Denise! Thanks so much for being here today.
Monday April 18, 2011 10:59 Jeannine Stein
Denise Austin: 
hi!'s great to be here! And I am ready to answer your questions about health, fitness, feeling and looking your best for the summer!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:00 Denise Austin
Denise Austin: 
We have six weeks before memorial day so it's the perfect time to reshape your body for summer!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:01 Denise Austin
Jeannine Stein: 
So since you brought that up, let's cut right to the chase--Memorial Day is not that far away. Is it too late to get into decent shape for summer?
Monday April 18, 2011 11:01 Jeannine Stein
Denise Austin: 
the key is...if you start today - you can do it! You can shape up, feel great and get fit and here is how...
Monday April 18, 2011 11:02 Denise Austin
Denise Austin: 
lose weight by eating the right foods and watch your calorie intake - calories do matter
Monday April 18, 2011 11:02 Denise Austin
Denise Austin: 
firm fat through cardio and tone up through firming exercises to shape your arms and legs and your well as other trouble areas
Monday April 18, 2011 11:03 Denise Austin
[Comment From joejoe: ] 
youre hot!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:03 joe
Denise Austin: 
Thank you! At 50, i love it!! :)
Monday April 18, 2011 11:03 Denise Austin
[Comment From KahloKahlo: ] 
Hello, quick question.. I am a 27 y.o. male. I work out 4-5 days a week.. been trying to "gain muscle" so i lift a lot of weights and recently started doing cardio which made some of muscle mass go away... but i can't seem to get rid of the "belly"
Monday April 18, 2011 11:04 Kahlo
Denise Austin: 
Ok....the cardio will kick is great you are doing the workouts but since you just started wiwth cardio....cardio does help shed are on the right track...strength training, cardio and now zero in on some great ab the bicycle since it is the number one best exercise to target all the ab muscles of your core...sides of the waist line, front of the tummy as well as your rectus abdominus muscle...keep up the great work!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:07 Denise Austin
[Comment From SandySandy: ] 
What burns the most calories....elliptical, running, biking or swimming? Thanks!! :)
Monday April 18, 2011 11:07 Sandy
Denise Austin: 
Hi Sandy! they all burn great calories but it depends how hard and the effort you are putting into each activity. it is good to mix up cardio if you can - if you can do elliptical one day, swimming another, running, they all work different muscles...I always mix up my cardio! Keep it going Sandy! But i notice for my body i burn fat quicker when i run...but that is just me
Monday April 18, 2011 11:10 Denise Austin
[Comment From H.C.H.C.: ] 
in your experience/observation, what is the most neglected aspect of fitness? And what should one do about it?
Monday April 18, 2011 11:10 H.C.
Denise Austin: 
the number one most neglected aspect of fitness is stretching - there are three components of a well balanced fitness routine...number one is cardio to burn fat and fight heart disease...number two is strength training to keep all of your muscles strong and firm and to protect our joints...and look great! and third is stretching or flexibility to reduce stress and tension and the chnace to reduce injury plus stretching keeps you young...i love to do 5 minutes of stretching in the morning and 5 minutes in the feels so good!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:13 Denise Austin
Denise Austin: 
i love yoga - it is great to stay flexible!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:14 Denise Austin
[Comment From KahloKahlo: ] 
Thank you! I'll make sure to sign up for some spinning classes! :)
Monday April 18, 2011 11:14 Kahlo
Jeannine Stein: 
Thanks for being here today!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:14 Jeannine Stein
Denise Austin: 
Keep it up Kahlo!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:14 Denise Austin
[Comment From devvondevvon: ] 
Hi, I am about 30lbs overweight. About two weeks ago I began to modify my eating and am hoping to incorporate 3-4 days of exercise into my routine. Is it reasonable to expect a 10lb weight loss in 2 weeks?
Monday April 18, 2011 11:15 devvon
Denise Austin: 
i am a big believer in about 2-3 pounds of fat a week... that way you will keep it off for good. but if you are a guy, you could probably lose about 10 pounds in two weeks, because guys can lose quicker than girls!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:17 Denise Austin
[Comment From JoshJosh: ] 
Denise~ you hear so much about carbs these days . . . no carbs at all, no carbs after 12 pm . . . do you factor any of this into the big picture? toning up and reducing caloric intake?
Monday April 18, 2011 11:17 Josh
Denise Austin: 
i am a big believer in eating good carboyhdrates in a course of a day - because they give you great energy - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans - and then about 50% of my food intake is coming from this category of good carbohydrates - the remainder comes from lean proteins 30% (fish, chicken, etc.) and 20% healthy fats (avocado and almonds are examples). try not to eat a lot of carbs late at night...maybe put a curfew after 8pm...remember calories do count. i try to eat about 1600 calories each day but good nutrient dense foods.
Monday April 18, 2011 11:23 Denise Austin
[Comment From devvondevvon: ] 
I'm a girl! But thanks :)
Monday April 18, 2011 11:24 devvon
Denise Austin: 
Then three pounds a week should be possible...and it will be a great accomplishment to keep you motivated and keep it off! And keep going, devvon!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:25 Denise Austin
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Hello Denise, I am a 23 year old female that works about 12-14 hours a day; i have no energy for the gym at night and am trying to lose weight; i have changed my diet and am conscious of the calorie intake; what exercises do you recommend for home or somewhere that does not involve the gym? thanks for your response
Monday April 18, 2011 11:25 Guest
Jeannine Stein: 
That's an issue that so many of us have....I'm sure Denise will have some great info on this.
Monday April 18, 2011 11:26 Jeannine Stein
Denise Austin: 
wow, you work long hours! i hope you can squeeze in fitness throughout the day too! one of the best things that i do when i work long hours is to get up out of the chair as often as possible because standing burns more calories than sitting but if you could wake up just 15 minutes earlier in the morning you could squeeze in a quick fitness routine in just 15 minutes right at home. you should try my shrink your fat zones pilates dvd because it has 3 different 15 minute workouts in the dvd so you could wake up, put my dvd in and i will get you energized to work your abs and core one day, 15 minutes of upper body workout another day and then 15 minutes oh hips, thighs and buttocks - by the end of the week you have shaped up from head to toe...everyone can squeeze in 15 minutes in the morning to firm and tone and you will see results in 3 weeks by doing one 15 minute workout each day! You can do it ! You deserve to feel better...since you work so hard!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:31 Denise Austin
Jeannine Stein: 
These are great questions! Keep them coming, Denise will be with us for another half-hour!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:31 Jeannine Stein
[Comment From CateCate: ] 
You're such an inspiration Denise!! I have lost 75lbs and kept it off for 2 years with Burn Fat Fast & Daily Dozen! Size 10 feels so much better than size 18 but I get discomfort in my knees sometimes with lunges. What else can I do for my legs that is easy on the knees?
Monday April 18, 2011 11:31 Cate
Denise Austin: 
Hi Cate!!! Congratulations! I am so proud of you! glad you got great results with my dvds! one of the best exercises to modify the lunge so you keep your muscles strong around the knee...are floor exercises. here are my two favorite leg exercises...the saddle bag slimmer - lying on your side lifting the top leg up and down for about a minute. and then for the front of thighs...sit up tall...lift one leg straight out in front of you and lift that leg up three inches and down for one minute...such a great side toner! Keep it up Cate!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:35 Denise Austin
[Comment From H.C.H.C.: ] 
thanks for answering my question RE: stretching & well-balanced fitness (I try to do a little of that to warm-up & cool-down before/after my cardio & strength); also, wanted to see what are some of your favorite exercises to do while sitting @ the office (for all the desk job folks out there, me included.)
Monday April 18, 2011 11:35 H.C.
Denise Austin: 
Yes! the average person sits for 8 hours every day! we need to implement simple exercises while we are sitting. my favorite are isometric exercises. squeeze your buttocks for 5 seconds...and release...that will give you a great tight tushy! and here is the best tummy move while sitting....GOOD POSTURE. sit up tall...pull in your ab muscles and contract them for 5 seconds and that is equal to 1 situp. you are your own architect by the way you think good posture and zip up those abs. For the waistline...and to keep your spine healthy... a great one for the waistilne is twist to the right, pull in your tummy and twist as you move to the left... keeping good circulation is the key. my other favorite that i do every hour on the hour at the computer is just reach your arms over head as high as you can and reach for an awesome stretch...stretch as high as you can giving space to each vertabrae.
Monday April 18, 2011 11:42 Denise Austin
[Comment From MaxMax: ] 
Hey Denise, I just really like your 30 min workouts. They are nicely balanced, and not too strenuous. I get a good workout in a very short time, without spending too much time. Thanks so much.
Monday April 18, 2011 11:42 Max
Denise Austin: 
thank you max!! i really love what i do and i am so happy it helps you! keep going!!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:44 Denise Austin
[Comment From DebbieDebbie: ] 
What's the best way to reduce cellulite before it gets too bad?
Monday April 18, 2011 11:44 Debbie
Denise Austin: 
most of us women have experienced cellulite and the best thing to do is to burn fat and watch the food intake and of course - exercise is the key to reducing cellulite...walking lunges are great for the legs and butt AND drink lots of water. get off your rear often! circulation is important! and walk as often as you can...walk! walk! walk! it helps to be outside...fresh air and good exercise...and then you are on your way to cellulite free thighs and butts!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:49 Denise Austin
Denise Austin: 
i have so many women that tell me my hot body yoga dvd helps them lose inches in their thighs and waistline...that also helps with the cellulite and gets you ready for the summer!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:51 Denise Austin
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
just wanted to add a link to something Denise wrote previously that I keep at my desk! Denise you're amazing! :)
Monday April 18, 2011 11:51 Guest
Denise Austin: 
oh here are some easy exercises that you can do at your desk! thanks for mentioning that! you can see some of these exercises at my website at
Monday April 18, 2011 11:53 Denise Austin
[Comment From SandySandy: ] 
Since I am still trying to lose weight, a friend of mine told me I should hold off on doing weight training until I get closer to my goal weight, is this true or should I be doing weight training at the same time I am trying to lose weight? Thanks!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:54 Sandy
Denise Austin: 
Sandy, all types of exercise is great for you! they are all going to burn calories, they are all going to help you. i am a big believer in light weight training. it is important to keep your muscle cells activated because they will help burn calories even while sleeping so increasing your toning will help to boost your metabolism plus muscle takes up less space than fat and by doing cardio and light weight training you can lose inches! and lose weight! so do it all!
Monday April 18, 2011 11:59 Denise Austin
[Comment From RuthRuth: ] 
Hi Denise. I love your Daily Dozen DVD because I can fit it in before work.. I also walk my dog 30 min a day after work. Doing both and eating right I've lost over ten lbs. since October! Thanks for your inspiration.
Monday April 18, 2011 11:59 Ruth
[Comment From MariaMaria: ] 
Hi Denise, I just want to tell you that I enjoy your workouts and record them every morning on lifetime. I have lost 28 pounds with your workouts and have kept them off! I have learned a lot of great tips from you. I am 46 years old and my body is in the best shape it has ever been. Thanks Denise for all your help!
Monday April 18, 2011 12:01 Maria
[Comment From DebbieDebbie: ] 
Thanks for doing these this today. How fun! I love getting up each morning with your workouts and my VCR is always set just in case.
Monday April 18, 2011 12:01 Debbie
[Comment From SandySandy: ] 
Thanks for your advice Denise! It is greatly appreciated!! :)
Monday April 18, 2011 12:01 Sandy
Denise Austin: 
thank you so much! that daily dozen dvd is only 12 minutes every day - my favorite workouts! so everyone that is crunched for time can fit this in - and it is different every day...great variety, great toning...and great cardio blast! keep up the good work ruth - i am really proud of you. i love helping make a difference in people's lives.
Monday April 18, 2011 12:02 Denise Austin
Denise Austin: 
Thanks everybody for your nice comments!!!
Monday April 18, 2011 12:02 Denise Austin
Jeannine Stein: 
Unfortunately we have to wrap things up...the hour just flew by. Thanks, everyone, for being part of our chat today. This was fun! Denise, thank you very much for being our guest and for giving us so much great information about getting in shape. I feel very motivated!
Monday April 18, 2011 12:02 Jeannine Stein
Denise Austin: 
thank you everybody! keep fit! you can do it! 6 weeks to summer... so start today!! Just remember, get fit because you are worth it!! if you want more information about recipes, exercises, tips, dvds....please check out my website Also try my workout app on itunes as a "quick way to get in shape on-the-go" it is "Denise Austin Fit in 5 - Workouts" app - take a look

Monday April 18, 2011 12:07 Denise Austin
[Comment From Ken AlanKen Alan: ] 
Hi Denise, As it shows, you are still an inspiration for a LOT of people. Keep on doing what you're doing!
Monday April 18, 2011 12:08 Ken Alan
[Comment From GuestGuest: ] 
Thanks so much for sharing your gift with the world! You've made a big difference in many, many lives!!
Monday April 18, 2011 12:08 Guest
Jeannine Stein: 
Today's chat will be archived on our site. Please join us next Monday, April 25th, when we'll be chatting live with the CDC's Jacqueline Epping about how to get fit with your pet. Be sure to check out all the chats from the LA Times and our sister Tribune papers:
Monday April 18, 2011 12:08 Jeannine Stein


Photo: David Vance
