
Pizza is a healthier breakfast than most cereals

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The Daily Meal

Cold pizza, microwaved pizza, store-bought frozen pizza... It doesn’t matter what kind of pie is on your plate this morning - it’s probably a healthier breakfast than a bowl of cereal.

If you’re considering eating pizza for breakfast, there’s a good chance you’re wildly hungover. Or maybe you’re just feeling plain old lazy. You might feel like a piece of trash for eating America’s favorite greasy food before 10 a.m., but you really shouldn’t.

It’s got protein. It’s got carbs. It might even have vegetables. That hot slice of cheesy goodness is a balanced breakfast if we’ve ever seen one.


And heck, if Beyonce can eat cupcakes after SoulCycle, you can eat pizza before 10 a.m.

Plus, you’re making a better choice than most moms are when they feed their kids cereal for breakfast. Why? America’s cereal options are nutritionally bleak - there’s rarely protein, healthy fats, or anything but spoonfuls of sugar in cereal these days. And with cheese gaining momentum as the next hit superfood, you can bet pizza is winning this nutritional war.

To make sure we aren’t steering you towards your greasy, heart-clogged demise, we double-checked with a dietitian.


“You may be surprised to find out that an average slice of pizza and a bowl of cereal with whole milk contain nearly the same amount of calories,” explained Chelsey Amer, MS, RDN, CDN to The Daily Meal. “However, pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning.”

She mentioned that pizza isn’t a health food per se; it’s certainly not your most nutritious option. But when compared with a quickly poured bowl of sugar flakes, it’s a more balanced meal.

“Plus, a slice of pizza contains more fat and much less sugar than most cold cereals, so you will not experience a quick sugar crash,” Amer confirmed.


So it’s settled. Pizza is a perfectly healthy choice for your classy Sunday brunch for one. Just don’t eat it if you left the box out overnight - that is seriously not okay.

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